Living Well Blog

It was March 11 last year when the World Health Organization first announced that the coronavirus had reached pandemic stage. At the time, there were 118,000 cases in 114 countries. A year later and there are more than 114 million cases and 2.5 million deaths worldwide. In the year since the… See more
It’s not been an easy rollout of the new coronavirus vaccines. From early December when the first vaccine was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for emergency use to now, fewer people have been vaccinated than hoped for. The criteria for who can get the vaccine has shifted. And states,… See more
I know many of you want to know more about the COVID-19 vaccines that were approved last month, and I thought I’d share some important information with you.


I also know many of you are anxious to find out if/when your MDVIP-affiliated doctor will be able to… See more
A few weeks ago, several of my MDVIP colleagues and I took part in AstraZeneca's phase 3 clinical trial of a COVID-19 vaccine. We still don't officially know which of us received placebo and which of us received the real deal. But I'm pretty certain I got the actual vaccine. Why? Side effects.… See more
This blog was updated Dec. 14, 2020. There hasn’t been a lot of great news lately around the coronavirus. New infections are skyrocketing everywhere, and unfortunately, deaths from COVID-19 will follow. Don’t let down your guard. But recently there were a few… See more
If you’re feeling like the virus will never end, you’re not alone. We’re now entering our ninth month since the pandemic officially began —nine months without normalcy.This consistent black cloud we’re under has consequences: a boom in mental health issues, social isolation and constant stress. Now… See more
I wish the news about COVID-19 were better. I’d like to say, congratulations -- you’ve made it through the worst of the pandemic! Unfortunately, this virus seems to be hanging around and we’re still in early stages. See more
Since the coronavirus pandemic began in early 2020, we've heard a lot about vaccines. There have been promises for quick vaccine development as well as warnings about how long it really takes to develop a safe, effective vaccine.  You’ve also probably heard that a coronavirus vaccine is… See more
Over the years, you've probably seen many magazine articles and TV shows talking about unique herbs and exotic fruits that can boost your immune system. Unfortunately, there's no magic pill where your immune system is concerned. You’ll need to put in the work to get your whole body healthier.… See more
With various states and the federal government considering easing social distancing restrictions and reopening segments of the economy, it’s important to remember that the coronavirus hasn’t gone away. That means if you’re in a high-risk group – or come into contact with people who are in a high-… See more