Partner with the Expert

MDVIP offers a turnkey practice model for hospital systems

Turnkey Practice Model

Partnering with MDVIP can elevate the doctor‐patient relationship and strengthen the performance of your health system, from economics to satisfaction scores. The time and resource investment to develop the required expertise and infrastructure and build a new strategic service arm can be challenging.

Let MDVIP ease your concerns and help you avoid the costly frustrations of trial and error. We do the heavy lifting with a proven, robustly supported transition program. We refer to it as turnkey, though it’s anything but one‐size‐fits‐all.

Some features remain the same across implementations, such as:

  • Providing the practice with a dedicated transition manager and on-site, experienced MDVIP staff to discuss the new option with patients while the physician continues to focus on medical needs. 
  • Handling inbound and outbound membership calls from our in‐house customer service and sales center of over 100 trained representatives, again eliminating non-patient care work for the practice. 
  • Hosting events to educate patients and promote the opportunity in your community.

Other features are customized to your unique needs, such as:

  • Practice‐specific communication and launch plans. 
  • Collaborative marketing that reinforces your health system’s reputation.
  • Tailored practice development plans to foster patient retention and growth. 

And when your physicians have decided to trade their white coats for something less formal in retirement, MDVIP assists with succession planning. We have a team dedicated to helping you recruit a physician and support a seamless transition to continue delivering the type of care patients value. 

It’s all part of our goal to ensure high levels of satisfaction, in addition to quantitative measures of success, at every stage of the life cycle for our partnerships. 
