
MDVIP Partners: Changing the World Together

We want to stand side-by-side with others who believe in doing more than just treating symptoms by providing personalized, preventive care that covers a broad spectrum of a patient’s life. Our program allows physicians to spend more time with their patients and guide them in areas such as nutrition, fitness, emotional well-being and more, leveraging advanced diagnostic tools along the way.

We are continuously assessing partners who can help us spread our message of aliveness, encourage healthy living and advance the delivery of primary care across the United States. We’re looking for:

  • Organizations who are dedicated to creating innovations in primary care
  • Organizations who want to introduce MDVIP to their consumer base
  • Organizations who would like to offer MDVIP to their employees or members as a subsidized or fully covered health benefit (learn more about our Executive Health Program)

Take the First Step with MDVIP 
If you are interested in joining our mission, please complete the form and we will closely evaluate the potential opportunity to partner with you. Fill out the form to the right, and we'll follow up. 

If you're interested in partnering with a local MDVIP-affiliated physician, please call that physician directly.

