Thanks Dr. Fentriss.

Member First Name
| March, 9 2016 | for Lee A. Fentriss, MD, FACP

Dr. Lee Anne Fentriss,
I can't say thank you, because there's no words to thank you for my life. God must surely have intervened through you. In spite of the fact that I was finally diagnosed with a hard to diagnose, incurable disease in the fourth stage, I know I was in the process of dying when I reached you. I would like to recognition your professional expertise, your ability to listen, to care, and take that one unexplained! and extraordinary step, as you did for me. I can vouch for the fact that your abilities are unmatched. I know that I am living today because of your intervention. Thanks Dr. Fentriss.

PS This note was supposed to go with the MDVIP assessment.
