Above and beyond

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for Dragan Djordjevic, MD

I’ve been with the practice Dr Djordevic evolved from since 1978. I do not reside near his practice headquarters, RUSH medical Chicago, but have always valued the sophisticated level of care the University provides. Recently, I was hospitalized on an emergency basis. I was admitted for an orthopedic problem (double sciatica) that was actually medical (staph infection of lower back) after testing. I received care locally (Dr D monitored my case) and eventually ended up in a rehab facility (who provided inadequate and belated care especially pain relief, which the hospital setting had under control). Frustrated, exasperated and in constant pain I called Dr D who then coordinated with the rehab facility (50 miles away). My meds were prescribed and Dr D supervised my care with rehab. He must have been very cordial to them because they enjoyed working with him very much (more than the MD who services the rehab facility). Post inpatient rehab I moved on to out patient rehab and eventually had 8 weeks of daily infusions to eliminate the staph infection. Dr D worked with the Infectious Disease physician and reassured me things were going to work out well. Long story short, my neighbor is a surgeon who visited me daily when I was in hospital and shared months later I must have had great care because he feared I wouldn’t walk easily after the infection. It’s not just my case because when I’ve been in office Dr D is communicating with patients and their attending physicians in a caring, professional and knowledgeable manner. He reads patients well— I have a sarcastic, casual but intelligent approach to medical health (science background) so we enjoy casual give and take about things—but get serious about talking “health business”. I’ve witnessed in the patient waiting area and on phone calls with patients he’s much more formal as needed. I’ve also referred several friends to him and they’re now in the MDVIP family. They’re evaluation of the experience says it all succinctly: “We’ve never had a medical experience like this” and consistently so. Every interaction is patient centered and no one watching the clock. They’re my acquaintances and we share our experiences most especially when they’re in medical crisis. I truly hope he doesn’t retire before I expire—I’m old and don’t want to train another physician. I’ve probably inadequately portrayed Dr D and his practice (his staff is a mirror reflection of his concern and attentiveness). I couldn’t imagine having a better care provider than Dr D and MDVIP. Cudos, hats off and applause. Thanks Dr D for a job well done.
