The Amazing Thing

Member First Name
Betty Anne
| March, 16 2024 | for I. Torin Gray, MD
Image provided by: Betty Anne

Around 2018 I became a patient of Dr Torin Gray. Then an amazing thing happened. I felt a genuine, and I repeat genuine concern and interest in my well being emanating from this doctor that did not even know me that well. That alone made me a fan. Over the next two years, I began to understand the boundless energy, intelligence, and true knowledge of his craft that Dr Gray possessed. I felt truly blessed to have him in my corner. This was a great advantage as Covid hit, and it hit me hard at the end of 2020. I called Dr Gray around 11:00pm, described some very weird and strong symptoms, and he immediately told me to call 911. The ambulance came, the paramedics checked me out, and they determined I should be taken to the hospital. Then another amazing thing happened. Dr Gray called me as I was being loaded onto the ambulance. He wanted to know exactly what was being done and reassured me that I was in good hands. He had me text him as I was admitted into the Covid wing, and even after I was released. It was as if he was with me the entire time. I felt like his only patient. Pretty amazing, huh? This day and time, definitely amazing!! I know that I will never forget this particular moment in my life, and how eternally grateful I feel . Of course, I have had many more unbelievable experiences with Dr Gray over the four years since 2020. I was genuinely astounded one recent visit to his office when he “single handedly” determined one specific ingredient in one specific supplement that was the source of my issues. Obviously, I stopped that supplement. But amazing again, huh? Ultimately , you would have to be with me to see this man at work. You would definitely be impressed. I know I am. He is indeed the most AMAZING THING of all.
