The best doctor I have ever had in my 56 years

Member First Name
| February, 13 2024 | for David C. Leech, DO

Dr. David Leech on my first visit spent over two hours going over my history from health to family. I have been to many doctors and not one has cared enough to ask anything. I was sad when my insurance changed and I was given a physician assistant, that in four years almost 5 he has never pulled out a stethoscope to check my heart. He has never looked at any of my lab tests. I’ve had to show him or tell him when there was something wrong. Leech is more than a doctor. He is a friend a person I can go to with anything even if it’s embarrassing. He is the best doctor I have ever had I have been diagnosed back in 2019 with lupus SLE he was the only doctor that filled out a disability report because he knew me and he knew , this wasn’t going to get better there is no cure. I finally got my disability and they went back to 2019 after five years just about of fighting with Social Security when that paper was in my file the whole time that’s what makes Dr. Leech the best doctor in the matter of one visit , but I went back to him when I went on Medicare he discovered a lot doing just simple lab test he found out I was
Was 20% lacking in blood volume that I had a bleed somewhere looking back on all my old tests. It showed us slow but steady problem with my blood volume and he did it in one visit.
