Member First Name
| March, 11 2020 | for John H. Mitchell, MD

Dr. Mitchell has been our family physician for many years. When he joined MDVIP it was a no brainer for us. Of course we joined with him. Our quality of care was excellent and the availability of Dr. Mitchell was outstanding. And then, suddenly, I was hit by a medical condition that was frightening and chronic. Dr. Mitchell joined me in my battle. He was encouraging, supportive and most importantly, available. He never acted like I was taking to much of his time (though I thought I was), he never was impatient or dismissive. What Dr. Mitchell was, and continues to be, was encouraging. He was patient as I failed medication after medication, continuing to hold out hope for an eventual reduction of symptoms. He listened thoughtfully to what I had to say and any ideas I came up with, he considered and discussed with me. I have never felt like I was alone in this difficult time. I felt like we were in a partnership battling my condition.
I have seen a variety of doctors overs the years. None of them have showed up for me the way that Dr. Mitchell does. My family and I were fortunate to find him and pray that he never chooses to retire or move.
