A Caring Doctor

Member First Name
| March, 22 2024 | for James W. Jacobs, MD

In February of 2019 Steve and I were at the beach and once again I was sick with asthmatic bronchitis. My medical doctor was not concerned that I had had 13 episodes in 4 years. Steve didn’t want me to go back to him so he contacted Dr Jacobs. He explained what had been going on for years and how bad my cough was. Dr Jacobs said can you be here at 3:00 from the beach. That was my first visit as Dr Jacobs patient as an MDVIP doctor. He was very concerned about how my lungs sounded and for the next several months he followed my care with a pulmonary doctor. As things continued to get worse and nothing made me any better he advised me to go back to the pulmonary doctor again. Tests showed there was something wrong in one of my lungs. The pulmonary doctor did a bronchoscopy and lung washing cultures. A mucus plug the size of a golf ball was removed and the cultures grew out pseudonymous which could indicate I didn’t have an immune system anymore. As it turned out that’s what was wrong. I was referred to an immunologist and was started on Hizentra infusions once a week. I thank Dr Jacobs for caring enough to keep digging to help me find out what was wrong.
