Doctor Phillips to the Rescue

Member First Name
| January, 20 2024 | for Jeffrey Phillips, MD, FACP

There are so many positive things to say about Dr. Jeffrey Phillips. I first went to Dr. Phillips as a patient in 1994. I quickly learned that he was a very knowledgable, personable, and extremely caring doctor. We moved from Dallas in 2008 but returned in 2018 and luckily my wife and I were both able to utilize his practice.

On December 7, 2022 my wife had a hemorrhoidectomy from a doctor associated with Presbyterian Hospital where Dr. Phillips has his practice. A week after surgery she had a followup appointment with her surgeon and told him that since that morning she was unable to urinate. The surgeon recommended she immediately go to the Presbyterian's Emergency Room across the street - it was now 3:00 PM. She checked in at Triage and told the nurse she was not able to urinate (at this point it was 8 hours), aFib, and distress related to the surgery. I would check with the nurse every 30 minutes or so to see when they thought my wife could see a doctor. She waited 5 hours in the Triage and at 8:00 PM she decided to call Dr. Phillips even though it was after office hours. Dr. Phillips called back within fifteen minutes and I explained my wife's situation to him. He called the ER Desk and spoke to the nurse and doctor on duty. My wife was taken back to a ER room within 15 minutes. It was obvious that they were responding to a call from Dr. Phillips. Without his intervention, we probably would have continued to wait in Triage. Dr. Phillips took immediate action to assist my wife in a very troubling situation.
