Dr. Bienenfeld is a member of my fan club, not because I’m a celebrity, but because he cares about me beyond my organs, bones and muscles.

Member First Name
| March, 18 2014 | for Michael Bienenfeld, MD

Dr. Bienenfeld is a member of my fan club, not because Im a celebrity, but because he cares about me beyond my organs, bones and muscles.

His demeanor, as he enters the examining room with a smile and a greeting meant just for me, sets the tone for conversation. I could begin with a concern, an accomplishment, or a comment about the health care system even before describing the reason for my visit.

I can feel him listening to my symptoms as well as what is going on in the rest of my life with equal attention.

His non-alarmist approach to a problem and soft mannered style puts me at ease and allays fears.

And because he doesnt view me as an ICD9 code, but rather as a whole person, I am free to share whats on my mind.

Whether I need an antibiotic or a referral, I leave for home already feeling better.
