Dr. Cheryl Mueller was there for my family

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| January, 21 2024 | for Cheryl H. Mueller, MD, FAAFP

Dr. Mueller was there to admit my father to the hospital years ago-on his last admission. Dr. Mueller was there to care for my mother for the years in between my father's passing and her own death. She knew my mother before...before the dementia, when she was still a lively, fiercely-independent widow jaunting off to travel the globe... and cared for her through the hip fractures and rehab stints and loss of independence over years. It was a comfort to me. Dr. Cheryl is now my primary care physician and that is immensely helpful to our relationship-at least to me. I presume such a relationship between physician and patient is increasingly rare in today's world, particularly in an urban setting. At some time I anticipate Dr. Cheryl will retire (well-earned) and I will be passed along to an another physician. For them, my mother and father will only be a comment under my family history. While it will not be critical for my care, it will be a loss in the patient-physician relationship that I have with Dr. Cheryl.
