Dr Dantin, I can't thank you enough.

Member First Name
| February, 28 2018 | for Karen C. Dantin, MD

After my regular GP refused to take my symptoms seriously because the blood work was normal, I needed a proactive doctor. My friend told me about DR Dantin with MDVIP.

Dr Dantin listened to me and spent time understanding my medical isdues. She actually found my problems and together we proactively approached all my medical needs.

We are using supplements and only o e western medicine to treat my issues.

I can't explain how much better I feel and how much more productive I am now tgat I am well.

Have a medical professional that strives to listen and take care of you is not on what medicine was supposed to be a out, but it makes one feel truly cared for.

Dr Dantin, I can't thank you enough.

God bless you!
Ann M.
