Dr. Deck has been my primary care physician for the past 14 years.

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| February, 14 2014 | for Lawrence V. Deck III, MD
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Dr. Deck has been my primary care physician for the past 14 years. I am 71 years old and I can honestly say that I feel healthier, am more active, feel more physically fit, and have a much better outlook on life than when I was in my forties. That's what Dr. Deck has done for me.

From the first day I met Dr. Deck I felt a unique doctor/patient bond. It goes way beyond great bedside manner. When I come to see Dr. Deck he actually knows who I am and everything about me, not only medically, but personally and professionally as well. He's the only doctor I know who doesn't sit there pouring over your chart for 10 minutes and asking stupid questions when you come in for your regularly scheduled appointment. I actually look forward to coming to my appointments with Dr. Deck.

I was quite apprehensive when Dr. Deck told us he was joining the MDVIP program. I almost bailed out because of the stiff membership fee, but hung in there as I didn't know what I would do without Dr. Deck. Best decision ever. The MDVIP program and its services and programs have enabled Dr. Deck to take his already outstanding service to new levels.

MDVIP should really encourage other doctors to take note of what I call the Dr. Deck model for patient care. He is truly a credit to the profession.
