Dr. Dragon Djordjevic

Member First Name
| February, 11 2024 | for Dragan Djordjevic, MD

Dr Djordjevic has been my doctor for over 20 years. The moment I remember the most was about 3 years ago. I had had back surgery and after returning home I had a few phone calls from him just to see how I was doing. About two weeks after the surgery, I had difficulty breathing and decided I had better get in touch with him. He said to go immediately to the nearest emergency room and I did. He said he would leave his phone open and be in touch with the hospital I went to. I had blood clots in both of my lungs. While in the hospital, he was always in touch with the doctors. At one point, they wanted me to sign a document for some surgery and I said I would not do so until I talked to my doctor. This was on a Sunday and he answered right away and said I absolutely did not need surgery. When I went home, I received phone calls checking on me. Aside from that, he is the absolute best and hopefully I will never have to see another doctor. He is always available to respond to any questions I have in a very timely manner. As I am getting older, it is so wonderful having a doctor that is always up-to-date on everything and I cannot imagine seeing anyone but him. Also, even when my Mom was sick I could call him and he returned my calls.
