Dr. F is wonderful.

Member First Name
| March, 2 2018 | for Diane Fabricius, MD, FAAFP

Dr. Fabricius has been my primary physician for several years but I was seen by her very capable nurse practitioner. When attending the information meeting about the switch to the MDVIP program I introduced myself to Dr. F. I knew right away we would have a great relationship and I was inspired by her gentle nudging to get me onto the road to wellness. The switch from treating illness to prevention was magnified by the special programs, time allotments, annual exams and a truly relaxed yet professional and caring staff and atmosphere. I have lost 75pounds, am no longer pre-diabetic, off my blood pressure meds and intestinal meds and cholesterol is where it should be. I really dont think I could have accomplished these milestones without the time and support MDVIP programs, the personal attention, excellent and my patient portal. I actually feel like we are a team!! It has been a real lifesaver for me. Dr. F is wonderful.
