Dr Judith Okimura

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| March, 11 2024 | for Judy Okimura, MD, FACP, FAAP

When I was checking the list of Doctors as a new PCP, I wanted a younger doctor, and a women doctor because I thought that a younger Doctor would be more apt to be on top of all the new idea's and medications that were coming on the market.

She is great when I need her to call me back when I have questions, even on weekends. I belong to VIP as I have had a double by-pass in 2012, and if it wasn't
her looking at all my charts and answering all my questions, I would have not known that I had a stroke on a particular weekend, after a 6 mile walk.

She made an appointment with a cardiologist, and today with proper medication, exercise program, proper diet, I am able to regain my life back.
