Dr. Mark Pinsky is a caring, educated, wonderful person

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| March, 1 2018 | for Mark F. Pinsky, DO
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I have many stories about the attentive and caring Dr. Mark Pinsky of Viera, FL, but the story that stands out in my mind takes place in July of 2016. At the time I was 66 years old and very active. (I really don't feel my age...) One evening as I was returning to my home, I was walking briskly, my toe caught a break in the cement sidewalk and I flew about 15 ft. landing on my left side! The paramedics were called and after a checkup where I was told there were no broken bones, I was released and told to contact my doctor in 3-5 days. I could not walk! When I finally made to Dr. Pinsky's office he went into high-gear! Sent me for a CT scan which showed a broken pelvis and tail bone. Eventually, I was back in the hospital because of the pain and it was determined I also had a broken foot! The doctors at the hospital wanted to put me in rehab center of their choice. Well, Dr. Pinsky, was in the background the whole time, barking orders, letting the hospital know that I would be going to a rehab of his choice and making sure I was being treated well! My favorite story in the middle of all this was when the doctor on duty came to my room to see me with an exasperated look on her face, asking: WHO IS MARK PINSKY??? -(Apparently, Dr. Pinsky, was staying on top of things in the background, had asked her: Do you know who I am??? - It was probably funnier at the time - to me at least!) I started laughing and I said My Doctor!
Dr. Mark Pinsky is a caring, educated, wonderful person and has always been available at a moment's notice. I can't imagine having anyone else in charge of my health care!
