Dr. Steven Yang saved my life.

Member First Name
| February, 20 2014 | for Steven D. Yang, MD

February 20, 2014

Dr. Steven Yang saved my life. Thats the bottom line! Thats truly the first thought I have whenever I think about him. Ive had the pleasure of having him as my personal physician for over three decades; and I must say, truthfully, that I have never had a single negative thought nor a concern about his professional skills or his medical judgment. During the course of my annual physical in 2003, Dr. Yang diagnosed a serious problem in my right lung. He promptly referred me to an outstanding pulmonologist, who confirmed Steven Yangs observation. Their consultation, both then and after I had a double lobectomy, cleared up a scary, life-threatening condition and has given me and my wife peace of mind about my health.
Dr. Yangs continuing care since then has also enabled me to enjoy many healthy and joyful years of life, as my wife and I participate in the growth and development of our wonderful family -- three sons, their wives, and seven grandchildren to date, including the latest thrilling addition triplets. During the course of regular consultations with Steven Yang, especially since he became an MDVIP doctor, I have been so pleased about how relaxed and thorough he has been when asking me probing questions about my health-related habits, interpreting recent test results with me, and making recommendations about practical things I can do to improve my quality of life.
Dr. Yang has always struck me as a paragon of tact. He manages to make observations that make his patients want to take his advice. I have always experienced a great comfort level with him because he takes as much time as required to help you understand his conclusions and diagnoses. He accomplishes this by explaining complicated health and medical concepts in a forthright, simplified manner that enables you to understand both what he is explaining and why you need to do certain things to improve your health and your enjoyment of life.
Other doctors, in and outside of his practice, nursing and office staffs, and fellow patients all speak about Dr. Yang with such a high degree of respect. He is a man who loves practicing medicine and who loves his family, including his wife and two growing sons. I have been so impressed when I have learned about his, not only volunteering his personal time to provide medical attention and care to incredibly needy people in third world countries, but also taking his sons with him so they can provide assistance and benefit from their experiences with wonderful people who live in many cases lives of desperation, without many of the bare necessities of life.
Having a doctor who respects life enough to contribute his and his familys time to serving poor, unhealthy people means so much to me. I am sure that Dr. Yangs other patients respect him as highly as I do. Several of my closest friends are patients of his. They dont hesitate to share stories with me about their experiences with Steven Yang, and they always praise him for being a quiet, somewhat understated, incredibly thorough and helpful healing force in their lives. I feel really fortunate that Dr. Yang is a good generation younger than I, meaning that it is highly likely that I will be able to benefit from his care for the rest of my life. I couldnt be luckier!

Best wishes for a long and healthy life for Dr. Steven!
