Dr. Wasserman is well aware of my physical problems

Member First Name
mary rose
| March, 12 2018 | for Mark D. Wasserman, MD

My husband and I have known and seen Dr. Wasserman for about 39 years. He was our school doctor when we taught in the Comsewogue School District and when he started his private practice we followed him.
I have had a number of odd physical problems, such as Thoracic Outlet Obstruction caused by my first rib on my left side causing a blood clot in my Subclavian Vein. This was a long event after surgery to remove the vein and Dr. Wasserman saw me through months on blood thinners.
When it came time to sign up for MDVIP I chose to do so as Dr. Wasserman is well aware of my physical problems, including Scoliosis.
Mary Rose R.
