Dr West as a long term primary care doctor

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| January, 22 2024 | for James H. West, MD

I moved to Atlanta in 1995 and was referred to Dr West by a friend at work. It may have been the best referral I've ever received, as Dr West, and at first his father, have been my primary care physician for nearly all of the years since. I only left his practice for a couple of years when he first joined the MDVIP concierge service, due to out-of-pocket cost concerns. It didn't take me long to realize how much I was giving up, so my wife and I rejoined his practice and have had no regrets. There are many reasons I've been very pleased for nearly 30 years, but chief among them include 10 surgical procedures which I have had, most of which he was directly involved in assessing needs and making solid recommendations. I cannot say enough about the thoughtfulness and quality of his assessment and direction in deciding when considering surgery was appropriate, and the quality of his referrals! Another highlight is that, while I have not required a great deal of on-going care for new short term or chronic illnesses, when I do have a need, his availability, especially with MDVIP, is nearly immediate. Moreover. his personal knowledge of both my medical history and my approach and preferences for personal care has been so helpful. I trust Dr West literally with my life, and I hold him in high regard both professionally and personally! Thank you, Dr. West!
