First class doctor-first class person

Member First Name
| February, 11 2024 | for Rose A. Payne, MD

Dr. Payne is my second MDVIP physician. She is warm, straightforward and realistic in her manner. She takes the time to explain the results of my annual physical. She doesn't sugar coat the details but she doesn't throw them at you and leave you to figure it out, she's there. Of all her skills as a doctor, the one I am most grateful for and dependent on is her thorough and exacting interest in making sure she knows what is going on with my health...she doesn't just assume that I am aging and stuff happens. I call or email her with questions or concerns throughout the year and always get a response that is helpful for me to make a decision. I appreciate her and am glad that I selected Dr. Payne as my MDVIP physician.
