HE is the BEST!

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| May, 9 2018 | for Frederic S. Becker, MD

I don't know where to start to explain how Rocky has made a difference in our family's health!! There are so many instances of his impact over the 21 years we have been his patients.
In 2015, I discovered a lump on my neck that was not going away. Rocky saw me and treated me for what we thought was an infection. I'm a complicated patient due to the fact I have Sjogren's Syndrome, and many times have had stones clogged in my parotid gland. I knew this was different from those stones. After completing treatment Rocky called and sent me to ENT Dr.Swanson. Long story short, Dr Swanson needed to remove the nodule. Rocky was in constant communication with Dr. Swanson through this whole process. Unfortunately for me it ended up that it was cancer!! By the time I woke up from anesthesia, Rocky and Dr. Swanson had talked, Rocky had spoken to my husband and family, a course of apps were set up for treatment, within 8 days of surgery I had met with 2 Oncology Drs, had bone marrow biopsy, and had my port inserted. Two weeks from surgery I had my first chemo treatment!!! This time frame is NOT the normal case from family and friends who have had the same news! Rocky was constantly supporting me and my family as we fought this battle! There were many ups and downs on this journey but one thing I knew for sure Rocky was always there for me. His support and care through this health crisis holds a very special place in my heart! Simply put, HE is the BEST!
