He is the best of the best.

Member First Name
| March, 2 2018 | for Michael Dunn, MD, FAAFP

There really isn't enough room to express what great admiration I have for my Dr. Michael Dunn. A couple of years ago I found myself in need of a new doctor. I was disenchanted with the state of health care available to me, then I found out about MDVIP and Dr. Dunn in Denver. The difference is like night and day. No more 5 to 8 minute appointments, with MDVIP they give you all the time you need, it may be an hour if needed. I have Dr. Dunn's cell phone and he has encouraged me to contact him when every I feel the need. I am so thankful that I have the health care I had only dreamed about, but did not know existed until I met Dr, Dunn. He is the best of the best.
