I am especially thankful for your time, thoughtfulness, concern and care.

Member First Name
| March, 28 2018 | for Stephen E. Winston, MD

Dear Dr. Winston,
National Doctors' Day is a good time to say, Thank You for your service in treating my health issues for the past 15 years. I have really been on a roller coaster ride since this past August when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I received a letter and a call saying I had breast cancer. You were the only doctor who was willing to take the time to discuss with me my diagnosis, what I should expect, who I should call, and what I should do to begin my plan of care.
Thank you for being there for me.
We are given so many things to be thankful for, but I am especially thankful for your time, thoughtfulness, concern and care.
May God bless you as you minister to the people in this community.
You are appreciated.
