Since I came back to the US...

Member First Name
| February, 12 2024 | for Gail M. Fennell, MD

I went to Dr. Fennell by chance. The doctor I was supposed to see cancelled my appointment. I was coming back to the US, after 16 very fulfilling years abroad personally and professionally -- and found myself without friends, with a headquarter job that I couldn't warm up too, and the breakup of a serious relationship. I had a big depression and needed help. Since I was 50, I wanted an experienced doctor who would understand me. I asked the question that is generally taboo: "...and how old is Dr. Fennell?" After a lot of hesitation, the response came: "around 30-32". I went to my appointment nevertheless, and found someone who, not only had a lot of empathy, but who also understood very quickly what needed to be done. I followed her medical and personal advices and things got better quicker than I thought. That was in 1995.
From that day on, I knew I had a very good doctor and a very good friend. When Doctor Fennell joined the MDVIP program, I was determined to follow her telling her that if I was not let in through the door, I was going in through the window... And I have never regretted my decision. No wonder that she was selected a few years in a row among the 100 top doctors of New York.
