I Couldn’t Stay Out of the ER

Member First Name
| February, 11 2024 | for Richard B. Martin, MD

Before I started seeing Dr. Richard Martin I had been in the ER 3 times for a low potassium and arrhythmias. Then once when the treatment made my level go up too high. The problem was that while I was treated in the ER there was no follow up. I called my PCP but appointments were a long time coming and I had no follow up blood work. About that time my husband asked me what I wanted for Christmas. I said a MDVIP doctor That was when Dr. Martin became my PCP. My Potassium level quickly came under control with blood checks and potassium dosage changes. Dr. Martin was very patient with me and checked my potassium frequently until I was satisfied that it would remain normal. That was a wonderful thing for me but the care continued to improve my health.

On New Years Day I had a cough that would not stop. Despite the holiday, Dr. Martin answered my call and called in medication that stopped my cough almost immediately.

A little later I found a lump in my breast. No waiting. An examination was done the next day and a mammogram/ultrasound was ordered. It was a happy outcome that was achieved quickly and relieved my anxiety.

I am very comfortable and confident that my health needs will be addressed quickly and thoroughly. I did have a ER visit a couple of months ago and I was seen by Dr. Martin within the recommended 3 days.

I’ve been a patient for almost 2 years and will remain so. The annual physical is also amazing and part of the program.
