I feel like we have not only gained a better lifestyle, we have gained a friend!

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| February, 27 2018 | for Edward C. Lafleur, MD

I met Dr. LaFleur a few years ago at an event we were working. He was a very sincere person who took an interest in my health , even though at the time I wasn't his patient. After some serious health related illnesses in my family my wife and I evaluated the benefit of being a member of MDVIP, the benefits , and already knowing Dr. LaFleur , made this a simple choice for us to make.

Dr. LaFleur took immediate action getting my wife an I on the road to better health. His eagerness, knowledge and availability to us have been key elements in our path to health living.

While we are not models of good health , we have come a long way from our previous lifestyle. Having a doctor who is anxious and willing to be a part of this with, timely appointments has been amazing !

I feel like we have not only gained a better lifestyle, we have gained a friend!
