I thank Dr.Koval.

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| March, 28 2017 | for Gregg M. Koval, MD
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As part of my annual wellness exam,a small spot(nodular) appeared on my x-ray.A single nodular is not a cause for extreme concern,watch for 6 months,and review for changes. I went by Dr.Koval's office (no appt.) to inform him I had the MRI completed. He asked that I wait for him to go over to the MRI lab to review the results. On my 6 month MRI review,a blood clot was discovered in my lung,I was shocked as well as Dr.Koval,I was prescribed medication to dissolve the clot. Dr.Koval was concerned about the origin of this clot, he suggested I speak to a hematologist,and made appt. All my lab work was forwarded to the physician for review,and it was discovered I had PIA1 genetic defect,originating with my father,whom I had no knowledge of his medical history(divorced,no contact). My sister passed away at age 57,we now suspect PIA may have been a part of her untimely death. I thank Dr.Koval for following through,I'm now on blood thinner's with no further complications.
