I’m blessed to have such an exceptional Doctor

Member First Name
| March, 9 2024 | for Steven P. Winkler, MD, FACP

To start, I had not been to a doctor, I don’t know how long. My sister Geri and her husband Dave Herbert told me about Dr. Steven Winkler and what a professional, compassionate and loving Doctor he was. My sister called his office and put me on his waiting list. It was not long before I received a call to be a MDVIP patient of Dr. Winkler’s. I was excited, but fearful too.
My first visit to talk with him, and have him share with me about his practice, went exceptionally well. I felt so comfortable with him. He put my mind at ease. His staff is amazing. My first physical with his caring ways and compassion for me as a patient was amazing. I have been in the hospital a couple of times and he was right there caring for me. Each time he came in to see me I felt he really cared and would take the best care of me. I never have to wait to hear from him after he receives test results. As soon as he hears he calls me. He is extremely thorough and attentive to his patients.
I’m incredibly blessed to have Doctor Steve Winkler as my doctor.
