I'm so pleased with MDVip. - with Gregg Koval!

Member First Name
| April, 2 2024 | for Gregg M. Koval, MD

I have been with MDVip since my doctor G Koval decided to join the group. I had no hesitation as I did not want to loose Dr Koval as my primary care physician.
My late husband Rick was also his patient. When Rick was going through 2 separate rounds of cancer, not only was Dr Koval helpful with referrals for other physicians, but he was incredibily supportive to both of us as we struggled through surgeries, chemo and radiation. I couldn't have made it through all of that time without such a strong base of medical care and concern provided by Dr Koval.

I appreciate the amount of time we can spend together when I have an appointment. I feel sorry for friends of mine who do not have such good care who complain all the time about not knowing their doctors, not being able to get an appointment and not feeling really important to their doctors. I don't experience those issues and I'm thankful for that.
