Member First Name
| May, 19 2021 | for David DiPietro, MD

I am very happy to see that Dr. DiPietro was named Top Doc again. This honor is well deserved.

Dr. D.'s care, concern and attentiveness to patients goes above and beyond. Whatever, my concerns, or current crisis is, Dr. D. responds the same day with answers to my physical issues and calms my anxieties. I do not have to wait days or weeks to obtain an appointment to speak to a doctor about any issues. Being able to reach Dr. D. by email or phone eliminates tremendous stress on my end.

The comprehensive annual physical provides me with the information needed to address health issues and set goals to improve my medical and mental well being. As a team, Dr. D. and I can address any issues to enable me to live and love life. Isn't this something we all want?

My many thanks to Dr. D. and his staff; Jen, Ashley for everything they do.
