Mark (Dr. Gregory) is the best primary care physician I've every had

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| March, 2 2018 | for Mark H. Gregory, MD, FACP

Mark (Dr. Gregory) is the best primary care physician I've every had, and at my age I've had a lot of them from Washington, D.C. to the SF Bay Area to several Midwest locales. He's a gifted clinical diagnostician and regards me as a whole person, not a collection of parts that each require separate treatment. He listens intently, while giving direct, common sense advice about how to improve my health through changes in my everyday life
When he left his prior practice to join MDVIP, I faced a serious medical challenge and was not well served by the staff who replaced him there. I followed him within a year to his new practice, and he immediately helped me treat the challenge effectively and regain a calm, healthy approach to dealing with it. Because he sees me as a whole person, he blends perfectly timed humor so I'll relax about my condition with treatments grounded in scientifically based clinical practice.
