Muhammad Ali may be called the greatest … But Dr. Jennifer Walden – Fain is the greatest in my opinion!

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| March, 13 2020 | for Jennifer Walden-Fain, MD

5000 characters is not enough to express my gratitude, admiration and an amazing sense of well-being that I have Dr. Jennifer Walden Fain as my primary doctor. I have lived in Louisville for only 20 years permanently, but she surpasses any doctor I have ever had and I lived in New York and other States that have excellent medical communities. She genuinely cares about each of her patients as people, she is smart, accurate and wonderful at diagnosing what is and what isn’t… Very important and keeps the panic level down in me! She always gets back to me quickly when I have a concern and is very thorough in the tests and procedures she plans for me. I am so glad she is younger than me so I can count on her to be my doctor for the rest of my life!
