My doctor does know best

Member First Name
| February, 10 2024 | for Lisa E. Babitz, MD

I had some stomach pain late one Friday night and thought about going to the ER. However I was much better Saturday and no pain at all on Sunday. I did call Dr Babitz Monday morning and she was adamant I go to the ER. I argued, strongly, against going since I was fine but did go. I was embarrassed to be sitting in the ER, feeling fine, surrounded by truly sick people. Eventually I got a CT scan which showd appendicitis.
The appendix was removed and it turned out to be cancerous. Long story short: had appendiceal cancer, received treatment and am 2 years out and fine so far. If Dr Babitz had not taken the time to convince me to go to the ER, the prognosis would be very different. She is the best.
