My Doctor Martin Weiss is Awesome

Member First Name
| April, 4 2024 | for Martin J. Weiss, MD

I can't recall any moment that is more special than another one. There has never been a time that I felt my concerns were disregarded or dismissed because I am a female patient. Dr. Weiss listens and he makes it is easy for me to ask questions concerning my health. Okay, I need to take that back. There has never been one moment that he has'nt shown a concern for my welfare. On 11/07/2023 I was admitted to Baptist East by Dr. Weiss for low blood pressure, high heart rate, and shortness of breath. He didn't tell me in an alarming tone that I needed to go to the ER instead in a calm voice he made a statement. The statement was he needed to get a quick blood test reading and if he did the test in the office it would take 24 hours before he would get the results. He personally, wheeled me to the lobby while my husband got the car, he pre-addmitted me so my ER wait time would not be long. Dr. Weiss collaborated with my cardiologist Dr. Bashar Shala on what would be the best care for me. From 11/07/23 to 11/10/2023 Dr. Weiss included me in his morning rounds and evening rounds while he was experiencing a family illness and hospitalization. Every test that was ordered, he made sure I knew what type of test that it was and why it was ordered for my peace of mind. In my lifetime, there were good doctors that treated me for various health issues, however, Dr, Martin Weiss is an excellent doctor because he truly cares for his patients.
