Old School Doctor in Modern World

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| January, 19 2024 | for Mark A. Isaeff, MD

I had gone from doctors' groups to doctors' groups most of my life, mostly due to the health insurance limitations I had. Because of a routine colonoscopy, I discovered that I had hypertension. The internal medicine group that I went to at the time assigned me to Dr. Mark Isaeff, who began treating me in general, and specifically, treating my hypertension. That was in 2004. Dr. Isaeff eventually went off on his own and became a part of MDVIP. If I wanted to keep him as my doctor, I would have to do so through MDVIP, which I gladly did. During conversations with Dr. Isaeff, I learned that he left his internal medicine group to become a part of MDVIP because in his old group, it was all about the volume of patients. In his own practice, Dr. Isaeff concentrates on the person, and takes the time and energy needed to address each individual patient's needs. The amount of time Dr. Isaeff spends with me is however much time is needed to address my issues, which can sometimes be more than an hour. I feel like I'm seeing an "old school" doctor, not being a part of some cattle-call. Although I know that doctors today are heavily burdened with all the administrative paperwork required by insurance companies, and that having to deal with all that paperwork takes up a great portion of their time. All that said, Dr. Isaeff still dedicates the time and effort required to tend to his patients. I know that he has to make significant sacrifices in his personal life to do both the administrative work, and the medical work, but he does so. To me, he is an unsung hero. He has kept me healthy in spite of my medical deficits, and I feel like I am a patient interacting with a physician, not a number in a long line of numbers seeing a doctor, or his/her physician's assistant, for a 15-minute drive-by. Thank you to Dr. Isaeff for his answering the call to be a real doctor in this time of virtual doctors.
