Quarterback for All my medical needs

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| April, 17 2024 | for Beth Singer Jacobs, DO

Dr Jacobs is exactly what I had hoped for when I signed up for a concierge doctor, and she also infuses everything with compassion and empathy, which was a bonus! I have cardio, orthopedic, neurological and gastro issues, but I lead an active life, and I really wanted a doctor who I could trust to “quarterback” amongst the various specialists, guide me to the correct ones, help me ask the right questions, etc, from the standpoint of my overall health picture. Dr Jacobs does that very well; she has also suggested protocols or ideas herself that the specialists liked and have proved helpful, which is pretty impressive.
In addition, she is always full of empathy for my various conditions: I really feel she cares and wants to find solutions, not just go down the medical process.
Finally, she is very accessible via email or phone call. I never feel rushed, I can ask silly questions and not feel embarrassed, etc. This is obviously a major benefit of the concierge system as a regular GP would never have time to do all this; I can say, it works as intended and I value this accessibility highly.
I enthusiastically recommend Dr Jacobs to all!
