Simply The Best of The Best!

Member First Name
| February, 14 2024 | for Stephanie A. Hutchison, DO, FACP

Dr. Stephanie Hutchison was unknown to me. My original personal care physician retired and she was his replacement. I didn’t go to any welcome party and only glanced at her messages to the many of us who would be under her care. But during the summer I was onboard a ship in Canada and given an antibiotic dosage that was too strong and probably inaccurately provided. I came home with extremely low salt levels and a host of symptoms which defied my imagination. Dr. Hutchison responded immediately to my txt and proceeded to create a plan which included dealing with the salt, getting tested for a possible host of ailments and seeing unusual specialists who might be able to cure or abate them.
Through the several months of this journey, she has always made time to communicate with me and provide support when my will
would weaken. I finally spent office time with Dr. Hutchison and she is beyond a doubt, the caring, knowledgeable and responsible doctor I always wish I had at a time of need. She is what we all would want in our physician and I am so grateful to benefit by her. She is a gift, given!
