Special person.

Member First Name
| February, 19 2024 | for Colby H. Grossman, MD, FACP

I have been a patient of Dr. Colby Grossman since i have been in my twenties , i am now 60 yrs old . I have watched him grow in years sharing his wisdom with not only myself but some close friends and family members are patients also. He has proven his love and caring ability for all also having a staff that makes him shine even more. I will go back to my first visit with him before I was his patient. I was mis diagnosed by another doctor and was very sick just happening to see his sign with new doctor office so I walked in and sat down. The receptionist said obviously I had to have an appointment and as I was describing what I was going thru He over heard my pleading of how sick I was. I was a very young strong man and knew something just wasn't right. He walked up to me and said come on back let's check you out. He diagnosed me with a prostate infection and I was hospitalized for a few days getting me on the right track. That showed me immediately this is my doctor I want for all my life. Today he still follows up and always is encouraging a healthy life style. I wanted to share this brief story to show so many years ago how special this man is and today is even better. He is muched loved by all.
