A step ahead of all others in Primary Care

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| February, 11 2024 | for Erin E. Lavin, DO

I have been a patient of Erin Lavin DO, for approximately 7 years now and never in my wildest dreams would I have thought a doctor could be so concerned, caring, forthright, and thorough. After 20 years in the Air Force, during which I have seen many Military Doctors, Flight Surgeons, and Specialists alike, no one has come close to providing the comfort and warmth I feel when receiving my semi-annual checkups. Doctor Lavin knows me like a book. She makes it easy to share my trials and tribulations of everyday life with her, and responds with the utmost sincerity. Our banter is that of old friends with years of history together. After I retired from the Air Force I joined the Civil Service realm and worked for the U.S. State Department. Here I was relegated to the civilian world of Doctors. Again, after 20 years, I never had a Doctor that could stand shoulder to shoulder with Erin Lavin. She thoroughly explains each and every lab result, advises me as to any necessary steps to take, and creates a plan of action to maintain my overall health. Plain and simple, this Doctor Cares about me, as best I can tell. I have never felt rushed during a visit nor has she ever mad me feel anything other than I am her focal point. Although I only see her twice a year due my overall health, one would think MDVIP is not the route to go due to the annual cost. Is it worth it? To be candid, Doctor Lavin is worth it. She is a step ahead of all other in Primary Care!
