The superhero without a cape

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| January, 20 2024 | for Albert Duncan, MD
Image provided by: Chenell

He listens to all my bright ideas, and just because he’s the doctor and my ideas are all over the place, he never shoots them down. He always gives me an alternative and makes it sound like it was my idea. There’s an old term people used it’s called bedside Manner. Dr. Duncan has the best bedside manner I have ever seen. The moment I knew he was the best doctor in the world for me is when the superhero without the cape, said Chenell, I not only care about your health. I care about you. Every health issue, questions or concerns are always addressed. I had migraine headaches, which are commonly known as cluster headaches depending on the severity of the headache, the symptoms could be different, imagine this occurring everyday of your life since you could remember one visit Dr. Duncan says we’re going to do something about these headaches in my mind I was like yeah yeah 👀🤔 no one can do that, it is what they are, but to my surprise, I no longer have some type of headache everyday. Sometimes I can’t remember when I had one last, to others this may sound small but for me, it was life-changing all because he listens and he knows his profession. I think Dr. Duncan is amazing but so do my friends that are still trying to get appointed with him as their primary care physician, all I can say is lucky me. Dr. Albert Duncan is my superhero with or without the cape.
