Thank You Brian Levy, MD

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| March, 19 2020 | for Brian P. Levy, MD

Janice and I have been Dr. Levy's patents since the late 1980s. This has continued into the MDVIP arrival. We have feel he has been a real friend over the years, not just our doctor. If we have a problem or question we will receive and answer from Dr. Levy. If Dr. Levy is not available, Jane his wife and nurse has the answer. Several years ago, Dr. Levy joined the Oklahoma National Guard because he believed he could help our men and women in Army. If he is away on Army duty he arranges a doctor in case we have a need. So he saw a need and moved to fill it. In this day and time when medical care for some ones of our ages, we would be lost if it was not for Dr. Levy and Jane. It is so peaceful when we know if a problem arises, Dr. Levy will be their to treat us and make sure we are well cared for. 
