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| March, 10 2024 | for Shreelakshmi Ramaswamy, MD

Dr. Ramaswamy is an extremely keen and patient listener. So often in any field, the person one has engaged to help you solve a problem listens briefly, makes a quick judgement, dismisses the rest of the conversation and takes over the telling! It's so common and predictable. First comes the body language; the head nodding (I understand); then the antsy body language (hurry up I know the solution) and finally the verbal interruption (shut up, I know the answer). This behavior is so ubiquitous among physicians that one needs to come prepared with rapid, succinct answers as to what the problem is. I'm very sure Dr. Ramaswamy can diagnose a problem within 3 seconds of the telling but I very much appreciate her calm, caring, and engaging demeanor and am so very happy that she's my Physician!
