Tom Griffin and a tale of three doctors

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| January, 24 2024 | for Thomas F. Griffin Jr., MD
Image provided by: Thea

I have a tale of three doctors. Doctor #1 prescribed medication to treat my symptoms, but failed to monitor their side effects on my previously healthy kidneys. Some years later, Doctor #2 brusquely informed me that I had advanced chronic kidney disease, and if it progressed, would need dialysis. I was devastated. Doctor #3, my MDVIP physician Thomas F. Griffin, MD, began a regular regimen of adjusting my medications while carefully monitoring their metabolic side effects. He improved my blood pressure control with medication that was less stressful on my kidneys. He improved my lipid profile without harming my kidneys, and he improved my blood sugar levels with a medication that was actually kidney protective. Over time, my kidneys began to recover. On the day he informed me that my kidney function was now normal for my age, he smiled as he walked me out of his office and said, “These are the days that make it all worthwhile – when I can actually help make someone healthier.” It’s that skill and caring that make me grateful for MDVIP and Thomas F. Griffin, MD.
