Two years ago I had stroke like symptoms over the Christmas holiday.

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| February, 9 2014 | for Han-Jong (John) Koh, MD
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Two years ago I had stroke like symptoms over the Christmas holiday. My local doctor's office we're not available to respond to the ER in regards to any previous medical history. I was held in the hospital for 24 hours then sent home. By the time I was able to see my doctor the following week, I was barely able to walk or use my left side. Once seen further tests were ordered and decision was made that I had had a mild stroke. Since I had not been transferred straight from the hospital to a rehab center the insurance company wasn't going to cover the stay. I decided to remain in my home with in home PT for 2 weeks and then go to out patient PT 3x a week for 6 months. This really put a burden on our family because I had to have someone drive me to and from. During this time my friends recommended Dr. Koh. I knew he always responding right away to any of their medical issues. I quickly called and met with him and ever since then have been his patient. I have even gotten my husband to become his patient now that he is getting a few more health concerns too. My health has improved over these past 2 years and I can once enjoy my time with my family. I truly believe that with MDVIP and Dr. Koh's medical expertise my health will stay on track.
