Warm thanks.

Member First Name
| March, 18 2020 | for Theodore C.M. Li, MD

Through this means, Dr. Li, the opportunity to express what a difference you give to my life.  Not just addressing the health issues, per se (and they have not been inconsiderable) but, with your care, the given confidence to know I always have in my corner such a master practitioner. Your thoroughness, your thoughtfulness, your clarity of explanation, your patience with me, your remarkably prompt responses to my queries and of course your superb medical know-how—what a perfect package. In my 88 years, nothing comparable. Please know I am grateful, beyond my capacity to adequately express it.

I know these will be especially trying times for you professionally, but I also know that you, if anyone, can pull your devoted patients through. 

Warmly. Very warmly.
Alan Berg
