When I Found That Lump

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| February, 21 2024 | for Deborah D. Beyer, MD

When i heard that Dr. Beyer was going to make this change in her practice, i did not even have to think about it! My worry has always been that, with my family’s longevity genes, she might reach retirement before i reach 100! I was staying with her.

Then yesterday, i got to tell her in person what i am writing now. You see, i found a lump in my breast. My last mammogram isn’t 6 months old, but there it was. I was so incredibly relieved to know that i was going to see HER; not some new doctor that had seen me maybe once, or some new clinic where you never know who will see you. I was calm for those 2 weekend days because i knew she would be calm & honest & thorough. And she knows me and knows that i am not a worrywart patient that cries wolf at the slightest sneeze.

We have 3 MDs in our family; we are privileged to know (maybe all too well) what that life is like. That is why i am ever so grateful that Deborah Beyer shares herself with me as a patient. Now on to the diagnostic part for me, knowing that whatever i learn next week, she will be with me through it all.

With Affection,
Marti Margrave
