Where do I begin, well let's just say that I owe my entire wellness to Dr Sandra Bruno.

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| March, 9 2016 | for Sandra D.M. Bruno, MD
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Where do I begin, well let's just say that I owe my entire wellness to Dr Sandra Bruno.
She has been a personal friend as well as my personal physician for many many years. She has seen me through cancer, which was detected by her an it was with her recommendation that I seeked out MD ANDERSON along with her follow-up that I am now CANCER FREE. I feel most comfortable expressing any an all matters pertaining to my personal well-
being with her. Together, we have weathered many of life's trials and tribulations together, and it just reaffirms my faith in her and I thank God for allowing her to be a part of my
Iife. My children often say when referring to her around our family and friends as our moms doctor-daughter-sister-friend, which just warms my heart.
God has truly sent me an angel.
I look forward to many more years together with her.
