Wrong meds

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| April, 2 2024 | for Steve W. Smith, MD

My old doctor and close personal friend for 30 years passed I was without a doctor. I was on one high blood pressure med and 1000 metformin for type two diabetes. My a1c was consistently under 7. Went to a big health care provider where each doctor is assigned 4,000 patients and is right out of med school. Gave me a whole slew of new meds and went to France for 3 months. One of the meds caused my a1c to go from 7 to 14. Came back from France I told him the meds were causing my elevated a1c he told me I didn’t know what I was talking about and was going to give me insulin next! By the way go see the cardiologist and the next week she had me in the hospital getting a wire camera in my heart. Was told would need 5 stents at least needed non.

Knew it was time to find a new doctor.

Ask a fishing buddy who worked in the medical field and had a friend who was a doctor in the MDVIP program to refer me to another doctor. He referred me to Dr smith.

The first second I met him he knew one of the meds was causing my a1c got me off of all the bad meds put me on the old meds made me change my diet exercise and my las a1c was 6.7 one year later.

If your thirty years old and healthy you probably don’t need to pay the monthly premium and get by with a beginner doctor, but if your on any meds even cholesterol meds you need a real doctor. It’s a shame it has come to this with our present health care system, my heath insurance PPO is 1250$ per month after taxes, then the MDVIP fee just so the doctor can pay his staff and be available for his clients, which he is always available and if he goes out of town he leaves you with an associate to call. This is a big deal because not being able to reach a doctor for 3 months is not a good idea. I could go on and on about this doctor, but I’m paying and staying and if ur older and on meds I advise you to do the same. Thank your government for this set up, but u only get one life so take care of it even if it cost you some money!
